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2:00 - 2:35


Social Studies/ Science Time 

2:35 - 2:45


Students prepare to dismiss for the day! 

Class Schedule

8:00 - 9:30



​​We will have a school-wide 90 minute literacy block. During this time we will be working on crucial literacy skills that we will use to improve our reading, writing and comprehension skills. 

9:35 - 10:35



9:35 - 10:00 - Math Review

10:00 - 10:30 - WIN: This is our WIN time, which stands for "What I Need". During this time, each student will be individually helped with the content that they are struggling on the most. 

10:40 - 11:40



Students will be at specials. 

Monday: P.E.

Tuesday: Media

Wednesday: Computers

Thursday: Music

Friday: Art

11:45- 12:15


On warm sunny days we will play outside for recess, and on days that are cold and rainy, we will have center time in the classroom or play class games. 

12:18 - 12:45



1:00 - 2:00 



Math Time! 

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